Everyday I find myself waiting..
Waiting... for that DAY
Waiting... for that TIME
Waiting... for that YEAR
Waiting... for that LOVE
Waiting... for that HUSBAND
Waiting... for that PEACE
Just waiting...
On the other hand God has been
Waiting for the DAY that I surrender completly to him
Waiting for that quality TIME with me
Waiting for that YEAR, when I will allow him to manifest his power in my life
Waiting to be my HUSBAND
Waiting to LOVE me like no one can
Waiting to give me that PEACE that surpasses all things
Just waiting...
While I'm waiting for life
God is waiting to give me life
The WAIT is over...
The DAY is today
That TIME is now
This is the YEAR
He is my HUSBANDHe is my LOVEHe is my PEACE
I'm done waiting...Life is worth living TODAY!
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